Does it? | Teen Ink

Does it?

August 3, 2011
By SparkyBliss2011 SILVER, Dumas, Texas
SparkyBliss2011 SILVER, Dumas, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Does it matter that the world continues spinning without you in it?
That time does not stop for all when you pass?
That life is possible without you?
That time is not to be wasted?
That friends are to be enjoyed but not used?
That there is more than one wake-up call to answer?
That not every opportunity is offered a second time?
That life presents you with obstacles to challenge your faith?
That silence does not solve anything?
Do you care that I watch from a distance as you change?
That I secretly strive for you to grow?
That I only want what is best for you?
That I pray for you and your health
-because I never want to see you in pain?
Does it matter that I never allow it to show?
That I barely restrain myself from cheering when you accomplish an important task?
That you will probably never even know?

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