Follow Where You Go | Teen Ink

Follow Where You Go

August 8, 2011
By TheDarkAngelGirl GOLD, Staten Island, New York
TheDarkAngelGirl GOLD, Staten Island, New York
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;When you come to the edge of all that you know, you must believe one of two things: either there will be ground to stand on, or you will be given wings to fly.&quot; <br /> &mdash; O.R. Melling (The Summer King)

You were walking beside me in the dark
And I remember holding your hand because I was afraid
I couldn't see you, or hear you but I knew that you would protect me
Then the wind blew the darkness away, shedding light on you
And I saw that tears had fallen down your cheeks and didn't know what to do
"Why are you crying? There is light again."
You took my chin into your hand and kissed me softly then
"I can only survive shrouded in darkness. Where you travel now I cannot go."
I felt a knife pierce through my heart, my soul
I knew that I was in too deep and now could not let go
"Let us follow it, then. We'll live in darkness together."
You went to speak but I placed my finger on your lips
"Even if you tell me 'no' I will follow where you go."
You gave me a gentle smile and I burned it into memory
It would be the last time that I'd see it spread across your face
But it's a choice that I had to make.

The author's comments:
It is what it is.

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