An Icicle Smile | Teen Ink

An Icicle Smile

August 20, 2011
By darkblue627 GOLD, Marietta, Ohio
darkblue627 GOLD, Marietta, Ohio
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The whole world, myself included, seem to have one thing in common; we're just a crowd of people who don't really fit in anywhere attempting to convince one another that we do. -Andrew McMahon

Icicles line your mouth
Teeth polished smooth
Bright white
Frozen in unidentifiable

You hold a clean cloth
In your hands
To wipe away the details,
Leaving behind
A clear, fresh face.

You smile,
A Cheshire cat smile.
The light gleams off
Your pointed

You remind me of
A horror film
With your
Terrible, blank smile,
Your cold, sharp teeth,
And your clean, empty face.

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