Stay with Me | Teen Ink

Stay with Me

August 22, 2011
By DarkGuardian177 GOLD, Indiana
DarkGuardian177 GOLD, Indiana
16 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Is there a place where the skies stay blue
Where the trees stay green
Where the sun always shines bright
Where the ocean always sparkles
Is there a place where you will never let me go
Where I will see your smile everyday
The day will I see your eyes staring into mine
Dark chocolate eyes that I could stare at forever like I was in a trans
When I look around for someone that I could be with
I know it’ll never be you
You are the only one
No one could be a replacement
So can you stay with me
Please stay with me
Always stay with me
Is there place where you make me laugh when I’m upset
Where you will always make me smile
Where that weird feeling follows me around when I see you
Having me not wanting you to go
Have you felt that way
If I only knew
Only if I could read minds
So can you stay with me
Please stay with me
Always stay with me
Is there a place where the full moon looks down on us
As a million stars brightens the darkness
That every time you saw me you called me beautiful
That place you could see the most colorful sunset
Where we were next to each other
And never had to separate
Never leave me alone
Is there a place where there is no anger
Where everyone cared about each other
Where three words could stand between you and me
Wish you would know
So can you stay with me
Please stay with me
Always stay with me
Is there a day you walk with me at that place
Where I don’t have to see you go
That we were Romeo and Juliet
I knew my heart would fall to pieces
Except when you said three small words
I felt like I couldn’t breathe
I couldn’t speak
I didn’t understand
You kissed me as the rain ran over us
As if this was a dream but it was too real this was reality
I never wanted anything more than for you to understand
Why was I like Juliet
He was my Romeo
So please stay with me
Those words would change me in a second
Is there a place where you would say
I love you
Is it possible

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