Strength | Teen Ink


September 13, 2011
By XDarkxoxNightX SILVER, State College, Pennsylvania
XDarkxoxNightX SILVER, State College, Pennsylvania
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You've got a time-machine; I've got a gun. What the hell, Lets kill Hitler'- Doctor who

She places a hat on her head
to hide her face
Today was the day
That it happened
The thing that ended her life
She pulls her sweater close
to keep away to cold
to hide her body
to hide the burns
she's scared
if people found her
what would she do
this was not the first time
they used to laugh
people could be so cruel
others had told her not to hide
it was not her fault
but she knew it was
it always was
As they walked by they jeered
it was her
they whispered
her husband
he did it
shame flushed her face
this was not her fault.
It was his.
she let her sweater drop
she pulled off her hat
They saw the burns
the ones the ran up and down her arms
the ones that left the scars on her head
they couldn't even imagine
the ones that ran berserk on her legs
this was not her fault
she shouldn't pay for it
let them see
she wasn't afraid.

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