One Last Time | Teen Ink

One Last Time

October 7, 2011
By dancerr4411 SILVER, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
dancerr4411 SILVER, Mukwonago, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dancing isn&#039;t work, you can&#039;t call it work.<br /> A day I don&#039;t dance is a day I don&#039;t live.<br /> -Unknown

No one loves me.
Countless walk past.
Can’t they see I want to be loved?
Cared for?

No, they ignore my sad face.
Do they know my warm heart?
My caring lick?
My friendly bark?

No, they don’t care enough to know.
I could be…
Running through an open meadow.
Playing with loving kids.
Swimming in a pristine ocean.
Laying by an open fire.

But I know I will never have the experience.
I see the needle.
Feel the cold aluminum.
The pinch.
The sleepiness.
Hear the words, “I’m sorry.”
Wag my tail one last time.
And fall into a forever sleep.

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