michael's sword | Teen Ink

michael's sword

September 23, 2011
By Rayvon Garvin SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Rayvon Garvin SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I thought I would never see the day
When I would be alone
The emptiness in my heart like a dark void
Has become too much to handle
I begin to remember
Then I look up
I see the pure, white snow of the archangel Michael who stands with me
The one who held me and wielded me now feels my dejection
“It’s ok we are together once more”
To hear his voice so mighty yet agitated
To be so close
But still so far
I look at my master, my friend
And I take the stars from the night’s sky and put them in his eyes
His eyes are now fire
He covers up the hurt of his loss and just keeps walking
To finish his job
To end things that began
And to begin things that will end

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