The Horror of Halloween | Teen Ink

The Horror of Halloween

October 27, 2011
By MonsterDeppManson BRONZE, Corry, Pennsylvania
MonsterDeppManson BRONZE, Corry, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Is adult entertainment killing our children, or is killing our children entertaining our adults?"
~Marilyn Manson

There, in the frightful cemetery,
stalks hundreds of corpses.

spine-chilling mausoleum,

that’s not too far, gleams
with the

smell of death,

as for once gone in,

never to come out.
Bloodcurdling spirits

rise from their tombs,

moldy bones
As we run,

Evil treats fly,
devil worshiping
jack-o-lanterns gobble anything that ushers by,
now as we hide in the
spooked basement, silver
werewolves howl,
warty witches chortle,
bloodsucking vampires devour the children with sugar
coaxed blood.

The author's comments:
I originally wrote this for English class. We had to write a Halloween poem using adjectives such as "spine-chilling" etc. I hope the people that read this get a picture in their mind of the horrifying event because even though this is highly unlikely, many people that are being abused in anyway generally feel like this is happening.

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