My Heroin | Teen Ink

My Heroin

November 2, 2011
By Weetzie_Elli GOLD, Sterling Heights, Michigan
Weetzie_Elli GOLD, Sterling Heights, Michigan
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In the aftermath of a summer romance, I
Found it difficult, but not impossible
To choose between two paths.
I could think about you forever,
And that liquid dream pulsing through your
Tired veins;
picture your thin, dead face
With your head tilted towards the ceiling,
Looking for the answers to questions you were too high
To ask an Angel.
I could dig around
In the dirt
For the missing pieces of my life.
Pieces I buried in your body. That found me, floated to me
When you disappeared; faded from existence.
Which is how I found HIM. With his
Bottle glass green and blue ocean eyes
That struck a chord so deep in me. I fought the feeling
I had, to sever it.
HIM with his laugh so loud it made my ears ring,
And his secrets buried deep inside,
So no one would find them.
Until, one day, I did.
HIM with his story that seemed so close that it could
Reach out and touch mine.
HIM with his I love you’s and I miss you’s that
I know meant something; everything.
And his touch, that put your story
Out of my head.
It was HIM, and so perfect
That all along, he is everything you wanted to be
And couldn’t.
And he is everything I want.
Everything I have.

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