Deep blue eyes. | Teen Ink

Deep blue eyes.

October 31, 2011
By FireFlamesTheyConsumeMe SILVER, Lugoff, South Carolina
FireFlamesTheyConsumeMe SILVER, Lugoff, South Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your dark chocolate brown hair.
How it curls crazily on top of your head.
I love how its just a little too long,
so it hangs in your eyes.

Your eyes, the deepest blue I've ever seen.
I drown in them every time.
The way you flutter your eye lashes.
Makes my heart skip a beat.

Your mouth, oh my god, your smile.
I could stare at it all day long,
the curve of your lips.
The way it feels to have your lips on mine,
makes me breathless.

Your voice, so deep, so sexy.
How you laugh, makes me drunk.
I love to hear those three little words
flow out of you.

Oh, how I love you.

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