Rome and Juliet | Teen Ink

Rome and Juliet

November 23, 2011
By SumiD SILVER, Silver Spring, Maryland
SumiD SILVER, Silver Spring, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You know when you sit in bed and you reflect on the words you've said, the time you've spent, and plan for whats ahead

but the plan never works and so the cycle continues, your always stuck in the bed with a box full of tissues

well if you know the feeling then your in my situation, my trains of happy days just left station

the conductor of my heart just let them run loose

and fate swallowed them up, your typical mother goose

but my story is nothing like a fable, ill let you know my feelings, ill bring them to the table

you'll eat my story up like a five course meal and don't worry its got the FDA approved seal

so its all natural, no hormones or additives, imma tel you straight up how it is

viewer discretion is advised because this horror movie will bring tears to your eyes

so don't say i didn't warn ya, you'll feel like your being backed into a corner

bcuz that's how i felt, i couldn't tell anyone and i couldn't get help

so i kept it to myself, but i didn't know the stage was set, i guess it was sorta like romeo and Juliet

but Juliet fell of the balcony and there wasn't a net

romeo didn't have the hand-eye coordination to catch

so he left and said he wasn't there at the time of death

little did the investigators know romeo told her to jump

but that fool didn't even have enough strength to hold himself up

that was the end of their love

and my story is exactly like that

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