Faces in the crowd | Teen Ink

Faces in the crowd

December 5, 2011
By Danger0usPie SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
Danger0usPie SILVER, Cumberland, Rhode Island
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're all mad here."

Who are you?
Who am I!
When in this world
We are faces in the crowd
It doesn’t matter if we hold our heads up high
We are faces in the crowd.

Our lives are boxes
Tucked inside a moving truck
Marked with labels
We cannot change
Why would we want to
When it’s so easy to stay the same?

Broken bridges
We must cross
To get where we are going.
But what if our destination
Isn’t a priority?
Why not stay on solid ground?

Our lives are a myst’ry
And each of us will die
When our time has passed.
So why do we do what we do?
I’ll tell you why.

I’ll tell you why
I’ll shout it from the rooftops
I’ll write it in the sky.

Yes, each person is a blade of grass
A single leaf upon a tree
But when you LOOK CLOSELY
You can see

The author's comments:
The spelling error is intentional, but only if you caught it. If not, then it doesn't matter.

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