Me and My Friend | Teen Ink

Me and My Friend

December 6, 2011
By kari-chan SILVER, San Antonio, Texas
kari-chan SILVER, San Antonio, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I think of things to think about but I don't know what I think of

My friend, my dearest friend
How have you been?
Acting as you usually do huh…
What was I like friend?
What did we do?
Our journey was even greater than Odysseus’
I remember that much
Just you and me
We would take the world by storm
What were we to do friend?
Take a stroll along Frost’s road?
Perhaps we could stop and enjoy
Enjoy the beautiful day, clouds shrouding the ever bright sun
Enjoy the clean crisp air blowing our hair into muddled knots
Leaves blowing around our feet like little dancers celebrating our arrival
Not your arrival, nor mine, but ours
Ours my friend…

The author's comments:
i wrote this about my best friend and myself. i haven't heard much from her or seen her in about four years but i still love her as i always have.

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