Poetry Speaks | Teen Ink

Poetry Speaks

January 2, 2012
By RoadsDivine DIAMOND, Berryville, Arkansas
RoadsDivine DIAMOND, Berryville, Arkansas
94 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then you would reaize how special you are to me."

Starts with a single word and flows from there,
Filled with emotion,
Tells a story within the air.

Connects the world with just about one hundred letters,
No limitation of the length,
Just keep going until the thought is complete.

Take in the words,
the meaning of the poem is severe,
Continue reading,
It is worth the wild.

Feel the pain,
Feel the love,
Feel the sadness,
Feel the anger.

Some may be a made up story,
Some secretly tell the truth,
but either way your heart is connected.

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