i cant sleep | Teen Ink

i cant sleep

December 28, 2011
By emochic8286 SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
emochic8286 SILVER, Jackson, Mississippi
8 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live life to the fullest

I cant sleep
But why do I want to
When I wake up the same f****d up s*** will be there
The same sad faces will hunt me
More bad grades and unfair in anyway

I cant sleep
But I shouldn’t go to that bed
Where he lays waiting for me to let my guard down
To say those three evil little words
To let him take away my innocents
My pride
And tell every one about it

I cant sleep
But it wont do any good
They say when u sleep is when u can relax
My nightmares will never let me do that
That freaky looking woman will come back and ill wake up in a pile on my own sweat
Those evil demons will take me back down to my personal hell
Where I already live in my life

I cant sleep
And there is nothing I can do about it
But just lay there


The author's comments:
i wrote this last night when i could not sleep and wondered why so this is my answer

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