The Fallen | Teen Ink

The Fallen

January 5, 2012
By riveraerika GOLD, West Allis, Wisconsin
riveraerika GOLD, West Allis, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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it is not the content of what you write about that makes literature enticing; it is the emotion you place into it

Falling. My body stiffens as gravity pulls me down towards it. No one will be there to catch me but it doesn’t stop me from hoping. I look the world in the face as I hit the ground. At that moment, the world’s eyes stare at me with sympathy. Yet I don’t feel anything. My mind is blank; the ones who I thought would be there couldn’t show there sick faces. As my body lay, time stops and my heart grows with hate and despair. If I cry they will think I am weak. They will see me not as the broken but as the strongest because I will never shed a tear again. Those who pity me will feel fear me and I will triumph over them. I am numb to them but, I will not go quietly again because I am The Fallen and The Fallen shall rise again.

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