Secrets | Teen Ink


January 10, 2012
By kowgirl25 BRONZE, New Market, Maryland
kowgirl25 BRONZE, New Market, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Everyone has them.

Most people think sharing them is the hardest part; in my opinion, hearing the reaction of the listener is the hardest part.

What if I told you something that was so offbeat, that you didn't believe me?

What would I do then?

I'm telling you my secret because I trust you, because I'm hoping you'll stand by me, because I want someone to listen to me for a change.

I'm guessing you'd like to know my secret now.

I won't lie; I have over 50 secrets that no one knows, secrets that probably no one will ever know.

My biggest one?

I don't have a best friend.

Someone to walk me through everything.

Someone who I know will never leave me when I need them most.

Someone who I can tell everything to.

I wish I could find that one person.

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