Trapped | Teen Ink


December 19, 2011
By A_Person_Who_Writes_Stuff BRONZE, South Hempstead, New York
A_Person_Who_Writes_Stuff BRONZE, South Hempstead, New York
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Fate 'fāt noun. The will or principle or determining cause by which things in general are believed to come to be as they are, or events to happen as they do : destiny

He was trapped
by the walls around him, and the thoughts blurring his coherence

Time was but a word
and the absence of it further ravaged his mind

He was at war with himself
questions with no answers, and false acquisitions

The pressure amounting on his mind was too much

His self proclaimed insanity knocked on the doors of his conscience
and he finally opened them

Unlocking the gates into reality
figments of his imagination spilled into the world

He wasn't the only one to see this
others gazed upon his work

Some amazed
most horrified

The thoughts had no prejudice
and prosecuted anyone

His influence spread like a disease
its victims seeing the world through his eyes

Those opposed were silenced
those who listened were praised

Countries were no longer separate
they all converged under a single rule

His ideas were worshiped
revolutionaries were hunted

A new world baptized in the blood of the innocent
or the guilty, depending on the day

And all of this because he was trapped

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