The Jewel in the Forest between the Sand and the Shore | Teen Ink

The Jewel in the Forest between the Sand and the Shore

January 14, 2012
By Miss_Elise GOLD, Farmington, Minnesota
Miss_Elise GOLD, Farmington, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you happen to be looking,
You will find me
On the shores of your subconscious.
I have washed up here
Along with the rest of the rubbish.

If you happen to be searching,
You will find me
Encased in the jewel of my patience.
It envelopes me
Holding me forever in its cold embrace.

If you happen to be seeking,
You will find me
Deep in the sands of time.
It slowly counts the seconds
Of the millions of years it has yet to give us.

If you happen to be hunting,
You will find me
In the middle of the forest of my love for you.
Here I wait for your arrow
To blindly take me down .

If you happen to be wondering,
You will find me
In the back of your beautiful mind.
I shall forever be here
Waiting for you to call upon me once again.

If you happen to be looking,
Or searching,
Or seeking,
Or hunting,
Or wondering,
I hope you will always find me.

The author's comments:
The hardest part of this one was coming up with a name for it. Please rate and comment, this is the first of my poems I've actually liked in a long time.

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