Instinctual Rhythm | Teen Ink

Instinctual Rhythm

January 13, 2012
By cmac6494 GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
cmac6494 GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
12 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Meters stretch between us.

The miles like an un-tamed beast.

When we meet love writes

itself upon countless stanzas.

When we part rhyme comes unraveled.

Words cannot explain what

emotions thrive for.

Pain against pain, thrill against thrill.

The want of you in my

sonnet… we are, Iamb.

Your breath. Your warmth.

Spark metaphors of hope.

Do we see the same moon?

Are you lost in the stars?

I shine for you.

Love knows no boundaries,

twixt fluttering hearts.

Like a lion stalks its prey,

passion awaits in seductive snare.

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