Owhizpaceylallunegro 2 | Teen Ink

Owhizpaceylallunegro 2

January 27, 2012
By KirkSchuchardt SILVER, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
KirkSchuchardt SILVER, Sheboygan, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sand dunes foiled in dry siroccos and shed its sand to the gulf’s washing tides
A bowl of wet quicksand poured itself across the beach and left grimy sinkholes to inebriate lost turtle eggs
Gulping the air as gasoline and letting the mosquitoes siphon that fuel from my blood, I ran all past this
The mosquitoes’ proboscises plunged into my perspiring skin and sucked what I needed to keep
A swarm of sinewy, kamikaze mosquitoes spiraled at my legs, already licking the air dryly
I forced myself to run through thorny bush and numbing chills of dehydration
Yet my T-shirt stuck to the mottled skin of my sweaty back
Wringing the water out of me

The author's comments:
Here is another poem I wrote in the summer of 2010 before my writing changed.

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