Sympathy | Teen Ink


February 7, 2012
By Raelyn Francis BRONZE, Wabash, Indiana
Raelyn Francis BRONZE, Wabash, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's an endless circle 
Of who chases who. 
She hurt you bad 
I can understand 
Iv been through 
That pain too. 
But what I don't get
Is how you can't see
What's standing right 
In front of you. 

It's sad that one stupid
Girl, Can ruin a guy 
He goes from one 
To the next and
Breaking a few hearts 
Along the way. 
Trying to mend his own
But somehow she is 
The only one he sees 
While someone else is 
Loving him the way he needs 

This girl has a story too 
She's felt her own pain. 
Love was all she wanted
She's tired of being used  
She won't sit and wait 
For him to stop feeling 
Sorry for himself and 
Move on like he should 
She gives up the thought 
Of him being any different 

Though she is guilty too 
Of not being able to love
Someone that is good for her. 
She's growing dizzy in
This endless circle 
Of who chases who 
So she's moving on 
And doesn't care that
Soon he will look  
Around and wish 
She was there too. 

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