What's in my journal? | Teen Ink

What's in my journal?

February 27, 2012
By AmeliaRulesFunnyStory BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
AmeliaRulesFunnyStory BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Believe in YOURSELF

An assortment of things that mean nothing really
Nothing except everything
Pages filled of things that aren’t there
Thunderstorms and acid rain
Falling onto puppy fur

Letters written in white pen
That meant something to no one
Filled with drawings of words
That can never be unspoken

Pasta burned to a crisp
With a broken heart on the side
That’s destiny is unchangeable
Unless you make a double pinky promise

Thing-a-ma-bobs that I will treasure
Until I realize that they’re dangerous
And are completely useless
To hold so tightly.

A glistening doorknob
That I wish I noticed sooner
Which leads me to
A mall missing an L.

The author's comments:
This poem is very personal, and unless you know me, you will not quite understand it. However, I want people to interpret it in their own way.

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