Awake | Teen Ink


March 16, 2012
By Maya_D GOLD, Glenwood, Maryland
Maya_D GOLD, Glenwood, Maryland
14 articles 4 photos 2 comments

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It's not an adventure if you know what you're looking for.

Tell me about the days when we’d get lost
Just to see what we would find
And the wakeful nights were evanescent, iridescent
cross-process dreams.

I like the feel of a dark blue day.
It’s heavy on my shoulders.
Lately I’ve felt nothing at all.
Nothing to carry, nothing to hold.
No weight to keep me grounded.

We used to slice through each other like apples
Browning at the edges, seeds buried into the core.
I always thought you’d be as bright red as anger
As pure white as joy
As bittersweet as sunset
And as crisp as the autumn twilight.

There are weighty times ahead
and I don’t know what I will know
once they come rushing forward.
Like a leaf that fears the fall,
I hope to take each as a hallucination.
Distorted, horrifying, strange.
Yet too beautiful to be real.

Tell me I’ll never forget those days.
They seem to be but mere nighttime allusions,
Like glowing wisps of thought
That evaporate with the dew.

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