Mother in the Morning | Teen Ink

Mother in the Morning

March 18, 2012
By Alli_Catz7 GOLD, La Quinta, California
Alli_Catz7 GOLD, La Quinta, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.<br /> - Ralph Waldo Emerson <br /> The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.<br /> - Unknown <br /> They can because they think they can.<br /> -Virgil<br /> The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.<br /> Aristotle Onassis

The alarm is set on high, but we never hear it. Only her soft gentle voice arousing my slumber. I open my eyes to deep blue ones staring back at me. Wild hair and polka dot pajamas. Wake up, Time to get up, or a gentle shove. She makes sure my eyes are open, and checks on my brothers laziness. Everyday she hurries.
Stressed beyond all of us.
Washing her hair in the sink while I flutter my eyes. Towel over her head as she tells me to hurry.
In a flash, she's dressed.
I'm still munching on my cereal.
Brushing her teeth and combing her wet hair. I'm sitting on the couch staring into space.
She says,"We have five minutes."
I say,"Mom, It's Saturday."

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