Social Awkwardness | Teen Ink

Social Awkwardness

April 1, 2012
By MizzNera GOLD, Inman, South Carolina
MizzNera GOLD, Inman, South Carolina
19 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent- Eleanor Roosevelt

it overwhelms me;
the anxiety
my heartbeat races
its hard to breathe
My body is foreign
Awkward and in mourning
Hatred of myself pulses through my veins
When the teacher calls on me
My heart jumps to my throat, beating with ever present pains
my words seem to stutter and boom throughout the classroom
barely a whisper to others' ears
Highschool holds mt most deepest fears
People rushing, pushing from place to place
I know they're hoping I fall on my face
Laughter from every direction slithers into my ear
Insults, judgement of me is all I hear
Trapped within my own head
The social Awkwardness I've come to dread

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