2 Hearts 1 Pulse | Teen Ink

2 Hearts 1 Pulse

April 8, 2012
By NathanAlexandar BRONZE, Brighton, Colorado
NathanAlexandar BRONZE, Brighton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s impossible to hide from the justice beaming in our eyes, and no matter how far you distant yourself from the truth we will puncture through the thickness of your fantasies. You struggle to keep your fortress of lies stable, but we always prevail your brick walls, we mash your exaggerations. We know the dope is your reliable crony of humor, we know you sell yourself to crippled salvation. You bemask your misery by embodying conceited apathy, you wander in interludes to contradict your reality.

Each of your lapses breed disheartenment that blackens your forgotten intentions, that invites an invasion of desperation. We had a choice to recollect the sins we committed as a family, but you ran away, and now you suffer of a lonely d***ation.

As an incomplete heart we patiently wait by your vacant grave praying for your epiphany to arrive, but inside these merciful hopes we can sadly predict the end. For many years it’s been my dream to die by my hero’s side, and as horrifying as it seems, I’d be honored to plummet into a trench of darkness with my friend. As your fate lacerates our shallow flesh and liberates our ghosts I conceive an opportunity of seeing you on the other side. Where we can start over again.

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