Heartsick Escape | Teen Ink

Heartsick Escape

April 24, 2012
By W.Bishop SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
W.Bishop SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
6 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Storming eyes, pouring melancholy
A blizzard white face
Slamming the back door shut
Escaping, like every night before, just for a little while
Light finding its way through the maze of braches in the treetops of the solitary
Weeping willow
Reaching the girls tired face
Igniting upon her skin
Turning her cheeks to a rose color like a Japanese Maple
Colors of green reflect in her eyes
The birds hum rhythmically
She gently drags her bare feet across the grass, the leaves crunch with every step
Mud slipping in between her toes
The winds chilled temperature races across her body
Orange and red leaves drop from the trees, like humans passing away
Only to continue on a new journey
A shadow is casted beside her
But disappearing as she walks deeper into the foreign world
An ancient rock hidden by mysterious vines and clumps of dirt
She collapses
Tired and weak
Head resting upon the rock
Eyes dripping with melancholy, shut
Just for a little while

The author's comments:
This is about a young girl around age 9 who lives in a not so typical house. Her dad is an alcoholic and her mother has passed away. She escapes into her background woods every time her father leaves to the bar.

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