The Sin | Teen Ink

The Sin

April 30, 2012
By Yukiko SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
Yukiko SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
6 articles 2 photos 1 comment

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We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let's not disappear like a firework, and continue to shine forever.

So lost, Traveling alone in the dark
Unable to love. Unable to feel
Or so that was the deal
Till That night, you marched in.
And at that point, You became my sin.

The curse broken, my heart free
I looking into your eyes, Seen where I wanted to be
With you, against all the hate
I'll even turn down heaven's pearly gate.
Never again will I be alone.

Its moving so fast,
Never really thought it would
Never thought it could
Now Your all I think about,
With your lips. No more doubt.

Against the pain,
Against the prejudice we gain.
I love you, Even if its "Wrong"
Now all I can hear is our love song.

The author's comments:
Well, I wrote this for a very special person in my life that just entered it, but has changed it so much. I love this girl to death and hope to marry her (Ya, I know the whole to young thing but I don't care)

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