Superficially | Teen Ink


May 7, 2012
By Lilyblossom26 BRONZE, Monument, Colorado
Lilyblossom26 BRONZE, Monument, Colorado
2 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I LOVE rumors! I learn so MUCH about myself that I never knew!

Trying to find my way through life
Wondering which way to go
Left or right
Up or down
...Must find the light...
Hidden below...

So deep...
So small...
So very hard to find...
If tears left scars...
I could only imagine...

So lost...
So hidden...
Feeling so pretend...
Acting fine
Dying inside
From the truth locked within

A shield of fictitious
Feelings they see
Are not truly me
A fake
Made to let them believe
I’m fine
Im okay

They cannot see,
The real true me,
Hidden so far
The surface they see,

The surface they see,
Is simply,
Created to let them believe
They need not worry,
About me
And my dying beliefs.

The author's comments:
I Worte this when I was really sad. I was also inspired by the painting "I'm Fine," by DestinyBlue on Deviantart.

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