The Color Grey | Teen Ink

The Color Grey

May 8, 2012
By broguen SILVER, Brookline, Massachusetts
broguen SILVER, Brookline, Massachusetts
5 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The stars in order twinkle in the skies,<br /> And fall in silence, and in silence rise.<br /> <br /> - William Broome

I remember nothing better than
the image of those clouds,
They danced.
Floating, reflecting, moving in time
to the ripples coursing through the water.
The sun that day only seemed to shine in
Reflecting rays, bouncing off the pebbly bottom.
Gravel splashes from a distant car and
Breaks the surface of the pool of raindrops.
I remember nothing better from that day
Than the severity in color of the Hubba Bubba,
Sitting like an island in a dark grey puddle
The only wad of color in an
Otherwise barren sky.

The author's comments:
There is nothing more significant than something that stands out in your greatest time of need. This particular poem is very literal; as I was passing by school, a wad of chewed gum had been spit into a puddle, whose reflection only reflected the grey gravel and gloomy skies. That wad of gum was like a sign of teenage innocence and carelessness, bright on such a dreary day, showing us that we can achieve or overcome anything that comes our way if we put our hearts to it.

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