Flight | Teen Ink


May 10, 2012
By broguen SILVER, Brookline, Massachusetts
broguen SILVER, Brookline, Massachusetts
5 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The stars in order twinkle in the skies,<br /> And fall in silence, and in silence rise.<br /> <br /> - William Broome

A breeze

as light

as air;

fluttering, twirling,

dancing a joyous dance

that causes the stumbling pebbles

at the edge of the river

to begin a sudden journey.


into the treacherous rapids,

where it sank

like a rock.

The author's comments:
Think about the things we say every day: "as light as air," "as hard as a rock," "as soft as a feather." But what happens when they are compared to themselves...?

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