A Day at the Shore | Teen Ink

A Day at the Shore

May 11, 2012
By Katie_McCarthy BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Katie_McCarthy BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My heart beat is the ocean’s current
pumping rushing waters ashore.
Thin brown strands of hair are the feathers of pelicans
falling gracefully to the earth.
Emerald eyes are shimmering seaweed
drifting gently atop the ocean’s waves.
Towering legs are the trunks of palm trees
protruding from the silvery sand.
Lengthy arms are palm fronds
stretching with satisfaction amongst the clouds.
Loud laughs are squawking seagulls
soaring swiftly overhead.
My Poem is the misty breeze,
virtually invisible but felt by many.
I am the grains of sand, each having a different quality
but all together forming one natural miracle.
You are the polished seashells,
and I am a collector picking you up as I walk along.

The author's comments:
Comparison of myself to nature

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