the boyfriend | Teen Ink

the boyfriend

May 16, 2012
By LizzyApplePie PLATINUM, Grand Island, New York
LizzyApplePie PLATINUM, Grand Island, New York
36 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Eyes look your last, arms take your last embrace, and you o'lips, doors of breath, place a righteous kiss.

we have history
so many memories
I'm never alone
though many miles
keep us apart
he always holds
my sacred heart
i call him
late at night
when i can't
sleep but he
keeps me from
shattering he knows
that I'm scared
eve when i
smile even when
i laugh he
wipes my tears
chases away my
fears holds me
tight blocks me
from the wind
he tells me
over again that
he loves me
the boy that
has so much
history with me
and made so
many precious memories

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