Light | Teen Ink


May 6, 2012
By Pickle23 SILVER, Springboro, Ohio
Pickle23 SILVER, Springboro, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun gives a ray of light
To our already blinded eyes,
And shines that brilliant light of hope
On the world for all to see.
The magnificent yellow ball can be seen at great height,
Traveling all over the vast blue skies.
It sends comfortable warmth at such great scope
And illuminates the darkness to our great glee.
As the blinding ball of fire sinks in the murky ocean sky,
The coldness creeps over the land.
The moon comes up, glistening white.
It illuminates the dark shadows
And its crescent fills the sky.
The noise falls to a ghostly whisper
And the shadows loom in every light.
Finally the sun comes back
In striking colors of red and orange,
As it flies through the sky
We run wild in the meadow.
For another day in the sun.

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