Innocent | Teen Ink


May 24, 2012
By Michelle Fenton BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
Michelle Fenton BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello? Can anyone hear me
On this cold winter night?
I think I'm dying
And I don't know where I am.
I'm hanging out of a car window
Unable to move a muscle
Listening to my blood drip onto the pavement.
My friend is over there,
Lying somewhere in a ditch
Hopefully more alive than I am
I think I hear her screaming.

Oh help! Help!
How did this happen to me?
I never drive like them
And never with that alcohol.
Yet, here I find myself
Dying by him who made worse decisions than me.
Who is looking at me coolly.
Why doesn't he do something?!
Why doesn't he help me?
Can't he hear my heartbeat getting slower?
Can't he see my spirit slowly drifting?

Oh, God, hear my plea!
Let no one suffer this kind of pain!
Pain beyond what I can bear.
I think I hear you, Lord
Calling me home away from this nightmare.
Please, tell my family
I love them beyond measure
Please tell them I did everything I could to live.
And that others had plans,
Plans to drink all night
And drive home by themselves.

Oh, God, I did nothing wrong!
Why do I have to pay?
All I did was blink
And now I'm here bleeding.
Please, judge me justly
Know I never wanted to be like him,
That man with the alcohol
Standing over me.
And know I loved you with all my heart.
Oh! Something inside me is torn and burning
Telling my spirit to fall asleep now
And leave this beautiful world I know
And say goodbye innocently.

The author's comments:
Please, don't drink and drive. You putting more than yourself at risk.

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