The Silent Monster | Teen Ink

The Silent Monster

May 24, 2012
By Corey Gray SILVER, Penobscot, Maine
Corey Gray SILVER, Penobscot, Maine
9 articles 4 photos 0 comments

The eerie cry of painful pasts
The blackened remnants never last
Your demons baying tortured yelps
Your whole being starkly contrasts

The shadows hiding everywhere
The helpless need of who’s not there
Horrific thoughts of tragic ends
The smaller things harder to bear

The singeing ache will start to numb
Your barren mind begins to crumb
The war continues through the night
The bleakness clouds what you’ve become

No longer can you take your bane
The more ‘okay’ the more you sprain
The silent monster wins again
The silent monster wins again

The author's comments:
I wrote this for school. We had to write in iambic tetrameter. I didn't do that good..

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