The Ostrych | Teen Ink

The Ostrych

May 29, 2012
By K-dawg47 BRONZE, Stratford, Other
K-dawg47 BRONZE, Stratford, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Heaven is a fairy tale for people afraid of the dark.&quot;<br /> <br /> - Stephen Hawking

Ostrich! Ostrich! You’ll never take flight
So long as your mind is closed up tight
With every new theory comes a silly excuse
Why not believe in that which is true?

On what distant plains of old
were you created
So wise? So bold?
Why should no one question thee?

Ostrich! Ostrich! You’ll never be free
So long as you keep your mind fixed on He
The man in the sky who created all life
But at the same time causes all strife

Keep your head in the sand and you’ll never see
The truth that lies in front of thee
The answer to the question of
Was our maker from above?

When the clouds threw down their swords
And fenced you in with priests and lords
Did he smile at the sight of ye?
Your mind locked up, no longer free?

Ostrich! Ostrich! Face the facts
On closer look, your theory lacks
Ostrich! Ostrich! It’s plain to see
Only nature could have made thee

The author's comments:
I've always loved Blake's "The Tyger", and wanted to write something while paying homage to that.

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