Midnight Cravings | Teen Ink

Midnight Cravings

June 1, 2012
By XDarkxoxNightX SILVER, State College, Pennsylvania
XDarkxoxNightX SILVER, State College, Pennsylvania
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You've got a time-machine; I've got a gun. What the hell, Lets kill Hitler'- Doctor who

You’re under my skin
All I see when I close my eyes
All I hear
You taunt me, grinning ever so slightly
I spy you sitting over there, every day, waiting for me to make a move
Golden haired and glowing
My kryptonite dressed in blue

You’re in my mind
All I think about
All I yearn for
A war between should I or should I not
Sleepless nights derived from my desperate hunger for you
One thought of your golden warmth makes my armor come crumbling down

My walls now smashed into tiny pieces by my feet
I stretched my arms for you, feeling the temperature rise
The butter melted
I finally had you
You were finally mine
My Mac and Cheese

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