Adventure | Teen Ink


June 3, 2012
By Anonymous

I’m very little
Trapped, yet happy
Behind the snowy white windows
Curled around my soft, white, blanket
With my head resting
Against my sister,
And my eyes slowly drooping closed.
It was all peaceful,
I was surrounded by my whole family
Driving somewhere fun,
And curled up in our
Warm little car.
It was all perfect.
Then suddenly…
I felt as if I were spinning out of control
In a flash,
My stomach lurched,
My eyes filled with tears,
As our car banged against the expressway wall
And luggage from the back of the car
Flew up
And hit our heads.
Everyone was silent for a minute,
Other than the sobs
From my older sister and I.
We decided to take it easy on our parents,
And stop crying,
Because they looked pretty shaken up about it too.
But we were together,
In each other’s arms,
and that’s all that mattered.

It was a wonderful epiphany,
That I will keep with me forever:
It doesn’t matter what type of an adventure it is, just being safe with your family is the best reward of all.

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