Indefinite | Teen Ink


June 27, 2012
By azkbaity BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
azkbaity BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The reason for my writing is the feelings you inspire. the malice, depression and overwhelming desire to kill this anxiety where it stands and my weapon is the sword the good lord put in my hands. its brittle and absolutely useless. the only reason you fight back is to defend the ends with unjustifiable means. dropping guilt-bombs on the grey wrongs and the pop songs with the cuss words. but give me proof. show me why you're right and I'm not. they say the shortest distance from point a to b is a straight line and I'm too crooked but the way i see it, I'm the only one looking to go the extra mile.

The author's comments:
loose rhyming schemes and almost no rythm. it a piece of rebellion, both in its subject matter and the style its written in. this was written during class in school while bored lol my favorite part is the paralelling of the two cliches of "the shortest distance is a straight line" and "go the extra mile" i used both of them to convey ideas contrary to their original meaning in a way where they still fit together in the piece

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