Just Beyond the E-Z Duz It RV Park | Teen Ink

Just Beyond the E-Z Duz It RV Park MAG

August 7, 2012
By slidji SILVER, Dallas, Texas
slidji SILVER, Dallas, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just beyond the E-Z Duz It RV Park and the statue commemorating the man that may or may not have been but definitely was not Billy the Kid

The gravel has angry marks from
cowboy boots.
Those or little footprints,
because the kids have no need for shoes
when they chase the seventeen dogs
across the field that goes for miles.
Footprints from feet all scraped from thistles
and scraps of leftover wood from building the cat-house
(It really should be picked up).
And the place really should be quiet,
but it can't be
because there's children and seventeen dogs
and screams from the children when they step on a burr
or a dog chomps at their pant leg.

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