The Twelfth Letter | Teen Ink

The Twelfth Letter MAG

August 7, 2012
By slidji SILVER, Dallas, Texas
slidji SILVER, Dallas, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I do not know how to write a love poem.
I am seventeen years old
and have never been in love.
But I read about it and want to know it and pour it in the cracks of my body,
the fleshy angle where my elbow makes the L-shape,
the beginning of the L-word that I want to learn the sound of.
There are L-words I like,
Love and lips and laugh and light,
Because I want to love your lips and laugh in the light,
in the streetlights and moonlights and any place where I can hide away with you.
Maybe that's what love is,
I've always seen love in the streetlights.

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