Prom? | Teen Ink


August 6, 2012
By freakblood GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
freakblood GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I'm hunger. I'm thirst. Where I bite, I hold till I die, and even after death they must cut out my mouthful from my enemy's body and bury it with me. I can fast a hundred years and not die. I can lie a hundred nights on the ice and not freeze. I can drink a river of blood and not burst. Show me your enemies.” - C.S Lewis in Prince Caspian

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Yes I wrote a cheesy poem for you
A million words could not describe
The way I feel when you smile
I hope I do the same for you
Man this could take a while
How can I compare
Your face to the sun
They’re both pretty hot
But you’re a bit more fun
I see you walking in the halls
And I can hardly speak
How is it that you make me
So dry mouthed and so weak
If I had ten thousand tries
I still wouldn’t get this right
I’m not too good a poet
Yet I chose to write
I’m dorky and I’m quiet
I’m mean and I’m cruel
People look at you with me
And think that you’re a fool
The amount of thought put into this
Measured out is a bunch
You might be wondering what this is about
I bet you have a hunch
Nobody else would want to go
They’d panic and they’d flea
That leaves just one question
Will you go to prom with me?

The author's comments:
I am not the usual love, sappy, romance kinda guy, but this girl can make me do anything. She inspires me to live everyday.

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