Truth and Lip Gloss | Teen Ink

Truth and Lip Gloss

August 18, 2012
By iheartsoonkyu SILVER, North Bend, Washington
iheartsoonkyu SILVER, North Bend, Washington
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Oh, how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying.--My Chemical Romance

Her sharp, dark eyes look deep into mine.
I feel the rhythmic heat of her body
and heartbeat against me.
She leans in; I feel a sudden fear
of my intentions but quash it
and close my lips on hers.
All the people on the street turn
and look one way at our embrace.
I hear whispers, pieces of words:
“Strange”, they say.
“It’s unnatural”, they say.
They stare like glass.
But their hate is not a bar
to my feelings, nor discouraging
to my spirit, for I know
that truth lies not in judgment,
but in Love.

The author's comments:
Again, my thoughts about fighting anti-gay sentiments.

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