The Tipping Point | Teen Ink

The Tipping Point

August 29, 2012
By Pickle23 SILVER, Springboro, Ohio
Pickle23 SILVER, Springboro, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rage fills his soul
His eyes burn a color never seen before
His heart overflows with uncontrolled emotions
There’s no going back
He is in another place
Nobody can reach him
Nobody can reason with him
He slowly morphs into a merciless animal
His limbs build into strong muscles
His nails stretch into sharp claws
Spit flies out of his mouth
And he cries a piercing howl
And he looks at his defenseless prey
And he attacks in a wild frenzy
The he becomes an it
And it is not looking for compromise
It is not looking for apologies
It is looking for blood

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