Boyfriend | Teen Ink


September 6, 2012
By Mary Ellis BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
Mary Ellis BRONZE, Mishawaka, Indiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You ask if you can date my best friend.
Here's what I recommend.
I was here first,
Ignore me and you'll be cursed.
Don't be that guy,
That uses girls and makes them cry.
She's a person, not property.
So you better treat her properly.
Don't think you can leave her in the gutter,
And walk away saying 'Sucker'.
Remember, I know where you live,
And I don't forgive.
Don't be a player,
But treat her like an answer to your prayer.
She's been through enough,
And it's been rough.
Go ahead and rehearse,
To be sure you don't make it worse.
Treat her as a beautiful rose,
To avoid my fist in your nose.

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