Time Passes | Teen Ink

Time Passes

September 20, 2012
By AurrieT SILVER, Tifton, Georgia
AurrieT SILVER, Tifton, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life has the same route for everyone,
Age wise,
Baby, child, teen, and adult.
We live our lives thinking we have eternity until we become older,
But in reality,
We’re growing older as each day passes.

As each day passes,
Time slips away from everyone,
Leaving them to face reality.
People that say live one day at a time are wise,
Maybe it’s because they’re older,
And they’re now adults.

Now that some people have reached the point of becoming an adult,
They realized how quickly they’re lives have passed.
They realize they’ve gotten much older,
And not just them alone, but everyone.
They’ve become wise.
Now they see reality.
Combined together make them wise.
Time passing,
Applies to everyone.
The proof is people getting older.

We all get older.
For we are told by reality.
Reality tells everyone,
Including adults.
As time passes,
We succumb to reality and become wise.

And everyone,

Are all part of our lives. As we grow up, we get wiser and realize what reality really is. As we become older, we become adults, and we realize our time is passing much too quickly and everyone Is slowly fading away.

The author's comments:
In my journalism class i was asked to write a poem, so i chose to write a sequain.

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