Nothing. | Teen Ink


September 20, 2012
By Ghostwriter77 BRONZE, Carpentersville, Illinois
Ghostwriter77 BRONZE, Carpentersville, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"That's why I write, because life never works except in retrospect. Even if you can't control life, at least you can control your version."

There are those days,
when fog creeps over the ground,
water settles on the pavement,
and when everything is silent.
There are days when everybody acts dead,
when there is nothing,
but silence in the air,
when the world is barely alive.
And then,
there is me.
The one in-between.
With no beating heart,
but no dead soul, either.
I am the one,
who creates the nothingness you feel.
I create that emptiness,
and the dead silence.
I am the creator,
of nothing,
and yet,
I am the creator,
of everything.

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