Eyess | Teen Ink


September 27, 2012
By yayarox101 GOLD, Jackson Heights, New York
yayarox101 GOLD, Jackson Heights, New York
14 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
When the world is dark smile! Your smile will make everything bright. SMILE SMILE SMILE!!!

Blue, green, black, brown, gold, amber, pink, purple, white.
Different kinds.
Round, long, large, small, tight, sleepy, innocent, bad.
Different impressions.
Sad, happy, ignorant, dirty, thoughtful, playful, honest, brutal.
Different emotions.
Always fooled.
Not the biggest poke face.
Eyes show deep inside
who we are.
Make us our own.
Different from another.
Like a spot of black
on white.
Or perhaps gold.

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